Legal Aid For Seniors

Get the legal aid you need. Find pro bono attorneys near you. Learn your options!

No Cost Legal Advice

There is only one person who can give a client free legal advice and that is a lawyer. Some find it is way too expensive to hire someone to take on their case. This is why some clients decide to represent themselves. This can be both good and bad. The major downside to this is the client will not be fully equipped and knowledgeable about how to proceed. They will only be working with a limited sense of self. This can prove to be disastrous, especially when the client is headed to court.

There are some tips on getting some free legal advice, especially when the client has decided to represent themselves.

     1) Utilize the internet, library, and any other means necessary. There are things like the free legal aid guide and the free legal aid directory. These two resources can help give a person a running start. It may not be the same as having representation, but they can give the client more knowledge.

     2) Talk to a lawyer. Some of them may be willing to represent for free. There are some very well-established lawyers who are at the top of their game. Some of them are looking for ways to give back. Find a way to get in touch with them. Some of their contact information is inside the free resource guide. The very least they will do is offer some concrete advice on how to proceed next.

     3) File some claims for legal aid. It does not hurt to give it a try. Some clients have been successful with it and have been represented at the same time. There is something called a Legal Aid Society that has tons of information available.

More and more seniors specifically these days find that they are unable to afford attorney fees when dealing with complex legal situations. These situations may include banking and financial issues, property disputes, automobile accidents, or healthcare and end of life decisions. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to locate free legal aid for seniors. Options include online searches, organizations set up specifically to tailor to the needs of seniors, and good old fashioned word of mouth. Consider the following information when looking for legal assistance.

You Can Find Pro Bono Legal Aid for Seniors

  • Online searches: A quick Google search for "attorney services for seniors" will return dozens if not hundreds of results. You may also want to try "free legal aid for seniors" as a search term. In order to refine your search, try adding "in ", which will narrow the results to services available in your area.

  • Organizations for seniors: If you or your loved ones belong to an organization for seniors or perhaps receive benefits from a government program, try contacting these organizations for help. Explain that you are looking for information on free legal aid for seniors. Such organizations often maintain lists of attorney services for seniors, or they can help you find a service that fits your particular need.

  • Word of mouth: Many times, friends, relatives, and other seniors may be aware of free attorney services for seniors that they have had success with. Do not hesitate to ask around, as word of mouth will often give you a more objective viewpoint than paid advertisements. These are just a few of the many ways to locate free attorney services for seniors. With a little effort, you can get the help needed to bring peace of mind both to you and to your loved ones when dealing with complex legal situations.